British & Rain (go well together)

If you visit Britain then bring your umbrella, because the rain does not stop us doing anything. There are no rain checks, because the heavier the rain the better the festival …

Very British rain
How’s this for outdoor cinema?
Let’s get cosy
Make a fashion statement with your ‘brolly’
You can still wear your pretty frock
Or you can ditch the umbrella and bring out your fold-up ‘Mac’. Tea anyone?
Or how about ice cream?
Wellington boots are popular for grassy areas. Steak and squid?
We like our curries too
And Fish & Chips
Or good old English burgers and bacon
Or bring your own picnic basket

All photos taken at Goodwood Vintage Festival 2016.© Southampton Old Lady

This is my second WordPress Photo Challenge under the heading H2O


Poem from Found Print 5: SMA-CK

Fifth in my series of poems reworked from found trivial printed matter

From Virgin Media promotional magazine 2016 © Southampton Old Lady
From Virgin Media promotional magazine 2016 © Southampton Old Lady



(View the big star. Get more than means. A-lister in hi-def!)


Critical drama

man and Sars

with touch

Disciple is own

begin new

BBQ scene

escalates the nightmare

man slaps misbehaving

on lifetime

Poem reworked from Virgin Media 2016 pg 7

© Southampton Old Lady

7 Deadly Sins

7 Deadly Sins Intro: Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Guttony, Lust
7 Deadly Sins Intro: Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Guttony, Lust

Took a while to get these photos of number 7s together but here they are:














Serpentine: Go Back

GO BACK an installation that dares you to enter, at London's Serpentine Gallery in 2015. I cannot remember the artist but this was the only thing I liked of his.
GO BACK an installation that dares you to enter, at London’s Serpentine Gallery in 2015.                         I cannot remember the artist but this was the only thing I liked of his.


Da daaaah!
Da daaaah!



Brandalism Adverts on Paris Billboards

Volkswagen are said to be one of the Talks' sponsors as are JC Delacroix who own these ad spaces
Volkswagen are said to be one of the CP21 sponsors, as are JC Decaux who own these ad spaces

The BBC have reported today, that in the run up to the CP21 UN Summit on climate change, more than 600 anti-corporation artworks have been installed in advertising spaces across Paris.

The Brandalism campaign “brand + vandalism” has claimed responsibility for the unauthorised art, stating that it was to: “highlight the links between advertising, consumerism, fossil fuel dependency and climate change”.

Prominent corporate sponsors of the talks have been targeted by the posters, which say that they are “part of the problem” and placed in spaces owned by JC Decaux, one of the talks’ sponsors who owns most ad spaces throughout Europe. Many feature world leaders that are known to be attending the talks in Paris.

For the report and more Brandalised Ad photos visit the BBC UK website:  – if this link does not work from your country please do a Google search.

Street Art and my local scene

Street art causes a reaction. It is effective. I have been appalled and moved to tears by various street artists. So this is an important category for this blog.

Street art has been around since streets started. Early frescos are being preserved in countries like Italy and Mexico. To me street art is especially important — when we are bombarded with advertising posters and commercial signs that we have no control over. I feel that gifted people who have no money to advertise or exhibit should be allowed to display their images too.

I had planned to do quite a bit on street art. However, it seems to be pretty well covered by the people I follow on WordPress, especially by my favourite, world-wide, street-art hubber Frankie Bean, who devotes time to finding the latest, greatest street art to share almost daily with web surfers. To visit:  

So eventually I will cover historical aspects of street art, but for now, here are some offerings with a few thoughts on street art in Southampton, where I live…

Commissioned painting on wall of the Tokyo Club in Bedford Place, Southampton
Commissioned painting on wall of the Tokyo Club in Bedford Place, Southampton
Banksy added a girl with a balloon to someone's "No Future" slogan. A popular anarchist slogan from a group  who used to call themselves Class War. However it was whitewashed over and did not last long.
Banksy added a girl with a balloon to someone’s “No Future” slogan. A popular anarchist slogan from a group who used to call themselves Class War. However it  did not last long and was whitewashed over.
St Mary's Stadium Commissioned art. Home of 'The Saints' football team
St Mary’s Stadium Commissioned art. Home of ‘The Saints’ football team
James Street mural depicting story of Sir Bevois and other local legends in the St Mary's area of Southampton
James Street mural depicting story of Sir Bevois and other local legends in the St Mary’s area of Southampton
Painting temporary art on empty shop windows during a festival in East Street, Southampton, 2015
Painting temporary art on empty shop windows during a festival in East Street, Southampton, 2015
Local artists paint business history on closed-down shops on Northam Estate, Southampton. Part of a series I will highlight later.
Local artists paint business history on closed-down businesses on Northam Estate, Southampton. Part of a series I will highlight later.
Tag on a house in Southampton. The owner is happy to leave it
Tag on a house in Southampton. The owner is happy to leave it
Spitfire detail of mural painted on boarded up shops in the City Centre
Spitfire detail of mural painted on  a boarded up nightclub in the City Centre
Mural on closed down Jonglers Nightclub in the city. Homeless people sleep in doorway.
Mural on closed down Jonglers Nightclub in the city. Homeless people sleep in doorway.
Yarn Bombers at the Southampton Common People Festival 2015
Yarn Bombers dress a large tree at the Southampton Common People Festival 2015
A street art movement, heralded by the Women's Institute is yarn storming or yarn bombing. Here is a free street work shop during the East Street Arts Festival 2015
A street art movement, heralded by the Women’s Institute is yarn storming or yarn bombing. Here is a free street work shop during the East Street Arts Festival 2015
Graffitti by French Prisoners during the Peninsular wars on The Dancing Man Brewery Wall. The building was built in 11th Century by Cistercian Monks to house wool on the Port of Southampton.
Graffitti by French Prisoners during the Peninsular wars on The Dancing Man Brewery Wall. The building was built in 11th Century by Cistercian Monks to house wool on the Port of Southampton.
The political quoters. This person seems to write quite a bit in the Southampton area. At first I thought they were being politically correct with the man or woman 16th Century quote, but there are a number of versions of this
The political quoters. This person seems to write quite a bit in the Southampton area. At first I thought they changed the text to be politically-correct with “man or woman” in this 16th Century quote, but there are a number of versions of this

I have no time for graffiti artists who just draw penises or badly scrawl their team’s name. However one street artist assured me that people’s tags are a way of saying, “I am here!” However they do not move me as much.

Graffiti on the graffiti. A poorly designed tag in an allowed area for spray artists in a Southampton subway. This was quickly sprayed with white paint (note the lack of white space) with the words 'Pedestrian'. This could mean either that pedestrians are hitting back or the tag is bland.
Graffiti on Tags.  A poorly designed tag in an allowed area for spray artists in a Southampton subway. This was quickly sprayed with white paint (note the lack of white space) with the words ‘Pedestrian’. This could mean either that pedestrians are hitting back or the tag is bland.

And the minute someone paints something in a public place, someone will want to destroy it.  Banksy usually times how long one of his works lasts before it is scrawled on, de-tagged or whitewashed over. This does not seem to bother him that so long as a few people get to see it he gets to take a photo first.